
Category: Bus Wash

A bus is being washed with rotating brushes at an automated vehicle wash station.

Rollover Gantry Bus Wash in 2023

A rollover gantry bus wash is a type of automated vehicle wash system designed specifically for cleaning buses. This system is commonly used in bus depots, transit companies, and transportation

Hybrid Bus Wash Equipment | LazrTek

Hybrid Bus Wash Equipment (Touchless & Brush)

Hybrid bus wash equipment (touchless and brush) provides thorough and efficient cleaning for buses and other large vehicles. The hybrid bus wash system combines the benefits of touchless and brush-based

Touchless Bus Wash Equipment 3 | LazrTek

Touchless Bus Wash Equipment

Touchless bus wash equipment, also known as touch-free bus wash cleaning systems, are specialized cleaning systems designed to wash buses and other large vehicles without the need for physical contact.


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